Baggybet Australia Review

Baggybet review:

Baggybet Review

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Who is BaggyBet?

BaggyBet has become one of Australia’s more beloved bookmaker services.

Being on the younger side only established in 2021, in comparison to its competitors, Baggybet has made a name for itself in the Bookmaker industry.

BaggyBet provides their users with 15+ national and international Sporting games and horse and Greyhound racing betting services.

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A Rundown of the BaggyBet Website:

The BaggyBet website is simple and honestly quite dull.

Outside of their dull choice of company colors, the BaggyBet website is easy to navigate.

There isn’t much on their homepage outside of highlighting current sporting and racing event metrics, as well as, a contents drop box on the left-hand side of the page.

There really isn’t much to it.

Although a simple and information-light website can be ideal, BaggyBet should include more information about what they have to offer outside of sports and racing.

This can include simple things like promotions or featured events and activities they partake in, or even featured companies they work alongside.

By doing this, users and potential members would get a deeper insight into who they are and what BaggyBet likes to do and promote, expanding themselves as a brand.

BaggyBets rotating homepage banner consists of two ads, one advertising their Protest Payout service and the other a Responsible Gambling advert providing users with a number and website they can use if they are struggling.

Coming back to the overall aesthetic of the BaggyBet website.

The BaggyBet team has chosen a dull purple/blue and orange color as their company’s central theme.

This, although low-key, which seems to be BaggyBets running theme, is not memorable and can make them easy to forget in the grand scheme of things.

Adding some kind of animation or further info-graphic, or just working on their web design will make BaggyBet stand out and more memorable to first-time users, incentivizing them to sign-up.

Their Sign-Up Process and What Happens After

Next proceed to the second page, where you get a deposit limit option.

BaggyBet has an easy and straightforward sign-up process.

It very much follows the prompt and only takes a moment or two.

Upon signing up BaggyBet requires you to provide them with your name, age, address, phone number, and email.

No card or bank details are taken upon initially signing up.

Once you have given them your personal details, you are prompted to set a deposit.

This, however, is not mandatory and users can skip over it and proceed to perusing the member’s side of the website.

Here, users now have access to BaggyBets featured events, promotions, and further resources on responsible gambling. Here you are also able to begin your betting.

Baggybet Promotions Reviewed

BaggyBet does not provide non-members with access to their promotional content.

Even on their homepage with their rotating banner, there is no mention of what promotions or advertisements could give potential members insight into what BaggyBet is offering.

BaggyBet prompts you to sign up in order to gain access to their promotions.

I understand how this can be seen as an incentive to get users to sign up, however, this could also lead to users signing up and then de-registering their accounts as the service isn’t one that aligns with what they are looking for.

Currently, BaggyBet is offering 5 promotions on their featured events services.

These promotions, although well thought out, all look the same making them subject to be skimmed over and forgotten.

By diversifying the aesthetics of their promotions, members will be able to differentiate them and remember them better, possibly sharing with their friends and family what BaggyBet is offering.

Keeping a central theme through their ads and graphics is important, but sticking to one design is not ideal.

By differentiating its services through its designs, BaggyBet will subject itself to a higher profit margin.

BaggyBet’s Responsible Gambling Policies

BaggyBet has done an exceptional job in providing their customers with Responsible Gambling policies and reminding them of the limits that need to be followed and practiced with Gambling

We can see Responsible Gambling ads providing Gambling helplines and websites that users can utilize.

Non-members see it in the rotating banner on the home page, a link to a responsible gambling tab at the bottom of the page, and down toward the very bottom of the page where there is a second banner.

Members see it in all the same places but further have a drop-down box on their ‘my account’ page.

Here you can gain information on Responsible Gambling, but also, BaggyBet also gives you the option to set daily, weekly, fortnightly, and monthly limits, as well as, put your account on pause and take a break from gambling altogether.

When setting limits with BaggyBet, they give you the option to set a deposit limit, as well as, the option to set a loss limit.

A loss limit means that you are unable to lose more than what you have set to deposit in the time frame you have set your deposit to be.

This is a smart feature, ensuring members are smart about their betting purchases.

‘Take a break’ with BaggyBet, is a feature that gives members the opportunity to take a break anytime from a single day, up to a year.

When taking a break, your account will be paused and all marketing materials will cease being sent out.

They have a short break option that lasts from a single day up to 6 weeks.

Their long break option gives users the option to take a break that can be either 6 months or one year.

The BaggyBet App Review:

The BaggyBet app is available across all Apple and Android devices.

The app is not much different from the website, only the app allows users to access their account and bet from anywhere in the world.

With a LiveWatch feature, BaggyBey has made its service accessible and central to one platform.

The app, much like the website, is simplistic in its aesthetic and straightforward and easy to use.