Chasebet Review

ChaseBet is a newly established betting website, that focuses primarily on Greyhound Racing, while also providing you with 15+ other sports you can follow along with and bet on.

The ChaseBet website, although organized well, does not provide you with all the information that you may need when looking into signing up and becoming a member.

In saying this, the general website does provide you with a summary of the current races that are happening, an option to peruse their different sporting categories as well as provide you with a number and website for Gambling Help. 

Sign Up Process Review

Signing up to ChaseBet is straightforward and has a follow-the-prompts feel to it. They ask you for standard information such as name, address, email, password, and age. Unlike other betting websites, the sign-up process does not include you needing to set a deposit.

Deposit Funds Review

The prompt to ask for a deposit comes along once you sign up and are on your account home page. Much to my surprise, they give you the option to skip over placing a deposit and give users the opportunity to peruse the website and see what promotions are available, what featured events are being covered by ChaseBet, and just have a look at the general features that the website pre-signing up, doesn’t offer.

Promotions Review

Currently, ChaseBet has ten offers running, they provide you with a time countdown for how long the promotion may be running. However, all the promotion ads look the same.

Design Review

Even on the non-member part of the website, the rotating banner at the top of the home page has the exact same aesthetic as everything else on the website both for members and non-members. 

A company having its set colors in order to differentiate itself from competitors and give itself a unique look is a great idea, however, there needs to be variety and diversity in how they curate banners and ads.

When all the ads and banners look the same, users look over them writing them off to be the same information they have just read, and tend to neglect the information.

ChaseBet would benefit from changing up the aesthetic of their banners and ads, keeping a color scheme is good, but using it differently, and differentiating their different promotions through their ads would do them some good and probably sell better. 

Members Review

That being said, ChaseBet would also do well in providing non-existing members with some of the same information that members are offered.

This doesn’t have to be to the same extent. However, only providing things like current races and other sporting events that they are covering doesn’t give users a solid feel of the website that members get. As an outside party looking into this website, I enjoyed it a lot more and got to understand ChaseBet and what they do better with the more information I was given. 

(Image shows member (left) vs Non-member (right) ChaseBet WebPage)

(Image shows member (left) vs Non-member (right) ChaseBet WebPage)


Features like their Responsible Betting Policies, withdrawal process, Deposit, and further account management information were all things I was able to explore only upon signing up.

There is no “about us” tab outlining who they are, what the company is, and what their intended purpose is through providing this service. This makes ChaseBet feel more like a corporation rather than a service that is there to work with its customers.

This can deter customers as there is also no way to contact ChaseBet on the non-member website outside of the ‘LiveChat’ bubble in the bottom right-hand corner. This gets a little better if users choose to sign up as they are provided with a support service email address.

Despite this, however, providing both members and non-members with a phone line they can call would be beneficial and make customers feel more inclined to ask questions and enquire about the service, which in turn will bring ChaseBet more business. 

One thing I believe is crucial when it comes to betting websites and Bookmaker services is their ability to cater to and make users aware of the risks and the consequences of Gambling. ChasBet has provided users with five different gambling helplines, all for different states, including an international helpline, making getting help and being aware of the addiction that can come with gambling, accessible.

They have taken the extra step by allowing customers to ‘take a break’ from gambling. Under the ‘responsible gambling’ tab on your profile’s home page, you can click on the ‘take a break’ tab and this provides members with two options.

The first is to take a short break from gambling which allows customers to put a pause on their account where everything will remain as is (including your account balance), advertising from ChaseBet will be paused and all pending bets will be paused.

This Short Break can last anywhere from 1 day, up until 6 weeks. They also have the option for members to take a Long Break, This feature is the exact same feature as the short break but can give you the option to put a pause on your account for 6 months or 1 year.


They further provide members with a ‘self-exclusion’ option when making a deposit. By providing users with this option, they ensure that customers are being made aware of their ability to vote and the amount they are spending reinforcing the notion of responsible gambling. 

To keep up with your betting transactions and events, ChaseBet has multiple options to help you stay on top of it. They have provided you with a Bet Slip and Betting Summary in the top right-hand corner of the page, as well as an ‘account transaction’ tab on the account home page.

This tab shows you your betting metrics, how much you’ve spent, what bets you have running, open bets you currently have, and any re-buy bet purchases you have made. 

Overall, the ChaseBet website is good for members. ChaseBet should invest in providing the public with more information on their services and who they are. However, upon becoming a member of ChaseBet, you are provided with a range of services that have been built and executed well. ChaseBet have provided sufficient terms and conditions and ensured they have provided their users with everything they may need to make smart gambling decisions.

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